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Vals is the color of the Onetile porcelain stoneware series STONE in this case in the 30x60 cm format with thickness 9 mm and finish Matte. The STONE collection is available in different colors and formats and can be configured according to your needs. Onetile offers only first choice porcelain products.

  • Color
  • Format
    30x60 cm
  • Depth
    9 mm
  • Surface
4/4 Configuration
Case History

1. Choose Color and style

Decor and mosaic
Beige CandleBeige Candle
Breccia Delicata AvorioBreccia Delicata Avorio
Breccia Delicata ChiaraBreccia Delicata Chiara
Breccia Delicata GrigioBreccia Delicata Grigio
Breccia Delicata ImperialeBreccia Delicata Imperiale
Breccia Delicata SabbiaBreccia Delicata Sabbia
Dark CandleDark Candle
Dark ValsDark Vals
Golden JerusalemGolden Jerusalem
Grey JerusalemGrey Jerusalem
Grey ValsGrey Vals
Grey ZenGrey Zen
Light ValsLight Vals
Light ZenLight Zen
Sand ZenSand Zen
Taupe CandleTaupe Candle
Warm CandleWarm Candle
Warm ValsWarm Vals
Warm ZenWarm Zen
White JerusalemWhite Jerusalem
Wolf ValsWolf Vals
Botanical InkBotanical Ink
Concept Breccia Delicata GrigioConcept Breccia Delicata Grigio
Concept Breccia Delicata SabbiaConcept Breccia Delicata Sabbia
Esagona Breccia Delicata AvorioEsagona Breccia Delicata Avorio
Esagona Breccia Delicata ChiaraEsagona Breccia Delicata Chiara
Esagona Breccia Delicata GrigioEsagona Breccia Delicata Grigio
Esagona Breccia Delicata ImperialeEsagona Breccia Delicata Imperiale
Esagona Breccia Delicata SabbiaEsagona Breccia Delicata Sabbia
Mosaico 4,7x4,7 Dark ValsMosaico 4,7x4,7 Dark Vals
Mosaico 4,7x4,7 Golden JerusalemMosaico 4,7x4,7 Golden Jerusalem
Mosaico 4,7x4,7 Grey JerusalemMosaico 4,7x4,7 Grey Jerusalem
Mosaico 4,7x4,7 Grey ValsMosaico 4,7x4,7 Grey Vals
Mosaico 4,7x4,7 Grey ZenMosaico 4,7x4,7 Grey Zen
Mosaico 4,7x4,7 Light ValsMosaico 4,7x4,7 Light Vals
Mosaico 4,7x4,7 Light ZenMosaico 4,7x4,7 Light Zen
Mosaico 4,7x4,7 Sand ZenMosaico 4,7x4,7 Sand Zen
Mosaico 4,7x4,7 ValsMosaico 4,7x4,7 Vals
Mosaico 4,7x4,7 Warm ValsMosaico 4,7x4,7 Warm Vals
Mosaico 4,7x4,7 Warm ZenMosaico 4,7x4,7 Warm Zen
Mosaico 4,7x4,7 White JerusalemMosaico 4,7x4,7 White Jerusalem
Mosaico 4,7x4,7 Wolf ValsMosaico 4,7x4,7 Wolf Vals
Mosaico 4,7x4,7 ZenMosaico 4,7x4,7 Zen
Mosaico Beige CandleMosaico Beige Candle
Mosaico Breccia Delicata AvorioMosaico Breccia Delicata Avorio
Mosaico Breccia Delicata ChiaraMosaico Breccia Delicata Chiara
Mosaico Breccia Delicata GrigioMosaico Breccia Delicata Grigio
Mosaico Breccia Delicata ImperialeMosaico Breccia Delicata Imperiale
Mosaico Breccia Delicata SabbiaMosaico Breccia Delicata Sabbia
Mosaico CandleMosaico Candle
Mosaico Concept Breccia Delicata AvorioMosaico Concept Breccia Delicata Avorio
Mosaico Concept Breccia Delicata ChiaraMosaico Concept Breccia Delicata Chiara
Mosaico Concept Breccia Delicata ImperialeMosaico Concept Breccia Delicata Imperiale
Mosaico Contrasti Breccia Delicata AvorioMosaico Contrasti Breccia Delicata Avorio
Mosaico Contrasti Breccia Delicata ChiaraMosaico Contrasti Breccia Delicata Chiara
Mosaico Contrasti Breccia Delicata GrigioMosaico Contrasti Breccia Delicata Grigio
Mosaico Contrasti Breccia Delicata ImperialeMosaico Contrasti Breccia Delicata Imperiale
Mosaico Contrasti Breccia Delicata SabbiaMosaico Contrasti Breccia Delicata Sabbia
Mosaico Dark CandleMosaico Dark Candle
Mosaico Losanga Beige CandleMosaico Losanga Beige Candle
Mosaico Losanga CandleMosaico Losanga Candle
Mosaico Losanga Dark CandleMosaico Losanga Dark Candle
Mosaico Losanga Taupe CandleMosaico Losanga Taupe Candle
Mosaico Taupe CandleMosaico Taupe Candle
White Jungle Set 2PZWhite Jungle Set 2PZ

2. Choose Format

30x6030x60 cm
60x6060x60 cm
60x12060x120 cm

3. Choose Depth / Surface

List price 1
Box 2
List price 132.14 €/MQAsk for discount
Depth9 mm
Box 26 pieces (1.08 m2 - 23.5 Kg)
Pallet40 boxes (43.2 m2)
List price 132.14 €/MQAsk for discount
Depth9 mm
Box 26 pieces (1.08 m2 - 23.5 Kg)
Pallet40 boxes (43.2 m2)
1. The price lists currently in force can change at any time until the order confirmation due to the continuous and high growth of the cost of raw materials, gas, transport
2. The units / pieces per box and the square meters in a product box are shown

4. Summary

Onetile STONE Vals 30x60 Matte
32.14 €/mq
Over 100 m2Ask for an extra discount
ProductOnetile STONE
Color and styleVals
Format30x60 cm
9 mm
Shipment management all over the world

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The maximum format allowed for samples is 30x30
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Onetile STONE

Porcelain Stoneware Onetile STONE is ideal for:
  • Onetile STONE is a porcelain stoneware floor
  • Onetile STONE are tiles suitable for a stone effect floor
  • Onetile STONE are tiles suitable for a floor for living areas
  • Onetile STONE are tiles suitable for a bathroom floor
  • Onetile STONE are tiles suitable for a kitchen floor

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Discover the floors and coverings that have already made our customers thanks to Onetile's services.
thanks to the careful selection of the best Italian porcelain stoneware, mosaics, ceramics and parquet brands, we have created and manufactured floors and walls for private homes, restaurants and businesses of all kinds, in Italy and in Europe. Find out more

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