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Scalino Plate Copper it's the trim tile combined with the porcelain stoneware series PLATE of KEOPE. Collection PLATE it is available in different colors and configurable formats according to your needs and can be supplied with matching skirting boards, channels and plinths. Onetile offers only first choice porcelain stoneware products.

  • Color
    Scalino Plate Copper
  • Format
    33x120 cm
  • Depth
    9 mm
  • Surface
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4/4 Configuration
Case History

1. Choose Color and style

Decor and mosaic
Trim Tiles
Plate AnthracitePlate Anthracite
Plate BrassPlate Brass
Plate CopperPlate Copper
Plate OxydePlate Oxyde
Plate TinPlate Tin
Plate TitaniumPlate Titanium
Plate ZincPlate Zinc
Decoro Luxury GoldDecoro Luxury Gold
Decoro Luxury PlatinumDecoro Luxury Platinum
Decoro Precious DarkDecoro Precious Dark
Mosaico Plate AnthraciteMosaico Plate Anthracite
Mosaico Plate BrassMosaico Plate Brass
Mosaico Plate CopperMosaico Plate Copper
Mosaico Plate OxydeMosaico Plate Oxyde
Mosaico Plate SilverMosaico Plate Silver
Mosaico Plate TinMosaico Plate Tin
Mosaico Plate TitaniumMosaico Plate Titanium
Mosaico Plate ZincMosaico Plate Zinc
Battiscopa Plate AnthraciteBattiscopa Plate Anthracite
Battiscopa Plate SilverBattiscopa Plate Silver
Battiscopa Plate TinBattiscopa Plate Tin
Battiscopa Plate ZincBattiscopa Plate Zinc
Scalino Plate AnthraciteScalino Plate Anthracite
Scalino Plate BrassScalino Plate Brass
Scalino Plate CopperScalino Plate Copper
Scalino Plate OxydeScalino Plate Oxyde
Scalino Plate SilverScalino Plate Silver
Scalino Plate TinScalino Plate Tin
Scalino Plate TitaniumScalino Plate Titanium
Scalino Plate ZincScalino Plate Zinc

2. Choose Format

33x12033x120 cm

3. Choose Depth / Surface

List price 1
Box 2
List price 1235.40 €/PZAsk for discount
Depth9 mm
Box 22 pieces (0.79 m2 - 17.05 Kg)
Pallet24 boxes (19.01 m2 - 409.2 Kg)
1. The price lists currently in force can change at any time until the order confirmation due to the continuous and high growth of the cost of raw materials, gas, transport
2. The units / pieces per box and the square meters in a product box are shown

4. Summary

KEOPE PLATE Scalino Plate Copper 33x120 Matte
Ask for discount
PriceAsk for discount
Color and styleScalino Plate Copper
Format33x120 cm
9 mm
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Keope was founded by a group of passionate entrepreneurs in 1995. From the beginning, the company's goal was to become a reference point for the production of ceramic and porcelain tiles. Based in Ferrara, Italy, Keope has been steadily growing over the years thanks to its dedication to excellence and the quality of its products.

Innovation and Technology:
Keope has always been at the forefront of innovation in the tile industry. The company has invested significant resources in researching and developing cutting-edge technologies to constantly improve the quality of its products. With a mix of creativity and technical expertise, Keope has introduced revolutionary solutions, ensuring greater strength, durability, and appealing design in its products.

Product Range:
Keope offers a wide range of tiles and coverings to meet the needs and tastes of an international clientele. Their products include various collections of ceramic, porcelain stoneware, and reconstituted stone tiles designed for residential, commercial, and public applications. Each collection is characterized by unique designs and a wide choice of formats, colors, and textures to inspire designers' creativity and meet customer expectations.

Our achievements

Our achievements
Discover the floors and coverings that have already made our customers thanks to Onetile's services.
thanks to the careful selection of the best Italian porcelain stoneware, mosaics, ceramics and parquet brands, we have created and manufactured floors and walls for private homes, restaurants and businesses of all kinds, in Italy and in Europe. Find out more

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