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Grey Roots is the color of the Imola porcelain stoneware series THE ROOM in this case in the 120x278 cm format with thickness 6.5 mm and finish Lapped. The THE ROOM collection is available in different colors and formats and can be configured according to your needs. Onetile offers only first choice porcelain products.

  • Color
    Grey Roots
  • Format
    120x278 cm
  • Depth
    6.5 mm
  • Surface
Discover the series
4/4 Configuration
Case History

1. Choose Color and style

Decor and mosaic
Trim Tiles
Black DahliaBlack Dahlia
Breccia PhoenixBreccia Phoenix
Calacatta OysterCalacatta Oyster
Cremo DelicatoCremo Delicato
Grand Antique D'aubertGrand Antique D'aubert
Grand Antique D'UbertGrand Antique D'Ubert
Grey RootsGrey Roots
Gris Breche DumasGris Breche Dumas
Infinity BrazilInfinity Brazil
Inv WhiteInv White
Onice AragostaOnice Aragosta
Onyx Acqua Blue GoldOnyx Acqua Blue Gold
Onyx Aqua Blue GoldOnyx Aqua Blue Gold
Onyx White AbsoluteOnyx White Absolute
Panda WhitePanda White
Quartzite PatagoniaQuartzite Patagonia
Quarzite PatagognaQuarzite Patagogna
San PedroSan Pedro
Statuario Vena PiccolaStatuario Vena Piccola
Tiffany GreenTiffany Green
Decoro CrocoDecoro Croco
Decoro GhepardoDecoro Ghepardo
Decoro JaguarDecoro Jaguar
Decoro OryxDecoro Oryx
Decoro PitoneDecoro Pitone
Decoro SnakeDecoro Snake
Decoro TurtleDecoro Turtle
Decoro ZebraDecoro Zebra
Mosaico Black DahliaMosaico Black Dahlia
Mosaico Breccia PhoenixMosaico Breccia Phoenix
Mosaico Calacatta OysterMosaico Calacatta Oyster
Mosaico Grand Antique D'aubertMosaico Grand Antique D'aubert
Mosaico Grey RootsMosaico Grey Roots
Mosaico Gris Breche DumasMosaico Gris Breche Dumas
Mosaico Infinity BrazilMosaico Infinity Brazil
Mosaico Inv WhiteMosaico Inv White
Mosaico Onice AragostaMosaico Onice Aragosta
Mosaico Onyx Aqua Blue GoldMosaico Onyx Aqua Blue Gold
Mosaico Onyx White AbsoluteMosaico Onyx White Absolute
Mosaico Panda WhiteMosaico Panda White
Mosaico Quartzite PatagoniaMosaico Quartzite Patagonia
Mosaico San PedroMosaico San Pedro
Mosaico Statuario Vena PiccolaMosaico Statuario Vena Piccola
Mosaico Tiffany GreenMosaico Tiffany Green
Battiscopa Black DahliaBattiscopa Black Dahlia
Battiscopa Breccia PhoenixBattiscopa Breccia Phoenix
Battiscopa Calacatta OysterBattiscopa Calacatta Oyster
Battiscopa Cremo DelicatoBattiscopa Cremo Delicato
Battiscopa Grand Antique D'aubertBattiscopa Grand Antique D'aubert
Battiscopa Grey RootsBattiscopa Grey Roots
Battiscopa Gris Breche DumasBattiscopa Gris Breche Dumas
Battiscopa Infinity BrazilBattiscopa Infinity Brazil
Battiscopa Inv WhiteBattiscopa Inv White
Battiscopa Onice AragostaBattiscopa Onice Aragosta
Battiscopa Onyx Aqua Blue GoldBattiscopa Onyx Aqua Blue Gold
Battiscopa Onyx White AbsoluteBattiscopa Onyx White Absolute
Battiscopa Panda WhiteBattiscopa Panda White
Battiscopa Quartzite PatagoniaBattiscopa Quartzite Patagonia
Battiscopa San PedroBattiscopa San Pedro
Battiscopa Statuario Vena PiccolaBattiscopa Statuario Vena Piccola
Battiscopa Tiffany GreenBattiscopa Tiffany Green

2. Choose Format

60x12060x120 cm
120x120120x120 cm
120x278120x278 cm

3. Choose Depth / Surface

List price 1
Box 2
List price 1127.40 €/MQAsk for discount
Depth6.5 mm
Box 21 pieces (3.34 m2 - 53 Kg)
Pallet20 boxes (66.72 m2 - 1170 Kg)
CodeGRE RO6 278 RM
List price 1163.10 €/MQAsk for discount
Depth6.5 mm
Box 21 pieces (3.34 m2 - 53 Kg)
Pallet20 boxes (66.72 m2 - 1170 Kg)
CodeGRE RO6 278 LP
1. The price lists currently in force can change at any time until the order confirmation due to the continuous and high growth of the cost of raw materials, gas, transport
2. The units / pieces per box and the square meters in a product box are shown

4. Summary

Imola THE ROOM Grey Roots 120x278 Lapped
Ask for discount
PriceAsk for discount
ProductImola THE ROOM
Color and styleGrey Roots
Format120x278 cm
6.5 mm
CodeGRE RO6 278 LP
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Porcelain Stoneware Imola THE ROOM is ideal for:
  • Imola THE ROOM is a porcelain stoneware floor
  • Imola THE ROOM are tiles suitable for a marble effect floor
  • Imola THE ROOM are ideal tiles for an easy to lay floor
  • Imola THE ROOM are tiles suitable for a floor for living areas
  • Imola THE ROOM are tiles suitable for a bathroom floor
  • Imola THE ROOM are tiles suitable for a kitchen floor

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